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Friday, January 10, 2014

The Cause of Frustration

When I'm frustrated, it's hard for me to think clearly.  I feel impatient, angry, dissatisfied, and usually express myself in unhealthy ways.  I had an epiphany and realized that when I'm frustrated, it's because there's something I don't know.  That is probably the healthiest way to look at it.  That way, I can focus my energy on figuring out what I don't know, and asking the appropriate question(s).


  1. If I'm frustrated that my child isn't cooperating, I probably don't know why they aren't.  I need to stop and ask them how they're doing and what they're experiencing.
  2. If I'm frustrated by someone asking me a question, it might be because I think I should know the answer but I don't.  I could let them know that I don't know, that I'll try to figure it out, and get back to them.
  3. If I'm frustrated that someone hasn't done what they said they would, I don't know why they didn't.  I need to talk to them and really listen so I can understand and maybe even help them in some way.
  4. If I'm frustrated because my disciplining hasn't helped a child to improve their behavior, I don't know what I could do to help them better.  I need to do some research and/or ask around to get more discipline ideas that may get better results.
There are so many more situations this applies to.  

Don't stay frustrated.  Call it what it is.  Realize you don't know something, figure out what you don't know, and find out that information.

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