I also offer Life Coaching. See ericpabstlifecoach.com for testimonials and how to reach me.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

How much does God love us?

I recognize God’s and the Savior’s Love, Mercy, and Grace for me. I am so grateful to them.
Note: This is written in terms of "I" so that each of us can read it as it applies to ourselves.
I am a son/daughter of The All-Powerful God. (Eph. 4:6)  He loves me so much that He created this amazing world for me to live on; He loves me so much that He has prepared a plan for me that gives me the opportunity to receive all that He has and become like Him! (D&C
He sent His perfect Son to die for me (John 3:16).  
He has lovingly given me weaknesses to help me be humble so that I will learn to rely on Him.  This reliance will help me to become so much stronger and better than if I had no weaknesses at all. (Ether 12:27) when I am weak then I am strong. (Paul)
He has given me strengths and opportunities so that I can help others, which also helps me feel needed and appreciated.  He has given me the privilege of living in an amazing time of the gospel and church organization on the earth.  As a descendant of Ephraim He has asked me to help in His Work.
He has a plan that includes my help.  He has entrusted His children for me to care for and even teach.
Every day God gives me so much:
He loves me so much that He will listen to me at any moment I choose, and for as long as I want. (3 Nephi 18:15)  He will answer my prayers for my best good.
If I just do my best, He will make up for the rest, including all of my imperfections. (2 Nephi 25:23)  In fact, even if I hadn’t done my best, I can sincerely repent.  In His generous mercy, He will forgive me and forget my mistakes. (Isaiah 1:18)  
He will save me over and over without limit or hesitation.  
He loves me so much that He will prepare each of my days so that I receive the experiences that I need, for the lesson I’m needing to learn,  at each point in my life.  
He loves me so much that He will make sure that any temptation Satan gives me is not more than I can handle, and will provide a way to escape each and every one of them. (1 Cor. 10:13)
When I am humble, He lights the path before me enough for me to advance, and gives me the opportunity to wonder and learn by not showing me the end.
He grants me air, water, food, shelter, and people to associate with.  He teaches me based on the point I am at in my life and to progress by providing situations to learn from, providing tests of my progress, people to step in and help me, words to my soul through His Holy Spirit, millions of His words in the scriptures and from the mouths of latter-day prophets, and always takes my eternal welfare to heart.  He loves me immensely - much more than even my parents or companion.

He has given me my family, my life, this opportunity on Earth, created this amazingly beautiful world, created a plan for me, and even sent His Son to die for me.
I know he loves me more than I will ever be able to understand.

My brothers and sisters, the first great commandment of all eternity is to love God with all of our heart, might, mind, and strength—that’s the first great commandment. But the first great truth of all eternity is that God loves us with all of His heart, might, mind, and strength. That love is the foundation stone of eternity, and it should be the foundation stone of our daily life. Indeed it is only with that reassurance burning in our soul that we can have the confidence to keep trying to improve, keep seeking forgiveness for our sins, and keep extending that grace to our neighbor. ("Tomorrow the Lord Will Do Wonders among You" By Elder Jeffrey R. Holland)

Overcoming Anger

This is the best advice I've heard on overcoming anger.  It has helped me immensely.


Friday, January 10, 2014

The Cause of Frustration

When I'm frustrated, it's hard for me to think clearly.  I feel impatient, angry, dissatisfied, and usually express myself in unhealthy ways.  I had an epiphany and realized that when I'm frustrated, it's because there's something I don't know.  That is probably the healthiest way to look at it.  That way, I can focus my energy on figuring out what I don't know, and asking the appropriate question(s).


  1. If I'm frustrated that my child isn't cooperating, I probably don't know why they aren't.  I need to stop and ask them how they're doing and what they're experiencing.
  2. If I'm frustrated by someone asking me a question, it might be because I think I should know the answer but I don't.  I could let them know that I don't know, that I'll try to figure it out, and get back to them.
  3. If I'm frustrated that someone hasn't done what they said they would, I don't know why they didn't.  I need to talk to them and really listen so I can understand and maybe even help them in some way.
  4. If I'm frustrated because my disciplining hasn't helped a child to improve their behavior, I don't know what I could do to help them better.  I need to do some research and/or ask around to get more discipline ideas that may get better results.
There are so many more situations this applies to.  

Don't stay frustrated.  Call it what it is.  Realize you don't know something, figure out what you don't know, and find out that information.